
  1. J

    Help ID Erie Tea Kettle and unk.Cook Pot

    Hey y'all. I've had this cast iron cook pot for a while and just found this old Erie tea kettle. Antique store fella figured it's old Erie. I haven't been able to find one just like it online. It's enameled and has a peculiar spout as well as size and style overall. "Erie" swivel lid, no...
  2. J

    Unusual Walker Foundry Erie Spoonrest?

    My Ebay forum folks advised me this is a spoonrest. Can anyone tell me more about it? I researched Walker Foundry; I found next to nothing. I read that in the late 1800s, it was owned by George Black, they manufactured Gray Iron Castings and had financial issues in 1922. No google hits on a...
  3. B

    Getting Fit for Forty Using Cast Iron

    I'd like to be in better shape by the time I turn 40 this August. Time is ticking away and I need to improve my overall general health so that I can better keep up with my 3 and 5 year old boys. Having recently acquired 3 vintage Erie cast iron skillets, I thought it would be an interesting...
  4. B

    Erie 2nd Series #9 Star Makers Mark Restoration

    Hi, I'm a newbie to vintage. This is my first and only pan and I plan to use it daily. It was found in a barn and hasn't been restored. I've read all I can find on restoring and seasoning and before I give it a go, I'm posting some pics and asking for recommendations. I'm concerned about the...
  5. N

    Good Deal or Pass?

    I came across these 3 finds today, the gentlemen who owns the FleaMarket said he would sell them to me for $30/piece. They all sit flat and don't have any pitting Just some minor rust. Whats your thoughts? Good deal or pass?
  6. D

    First piece of cast iron, it was found at Goodwill. Erie no.8

    I should have taken a before picture, but I found this site and followed the restoration instructions. Can anyone help me identity the series of Erie that it is or if it's authentic?
  7. B

    Can Someone Explain This Recent eBay Sale?

    On Sunday I found my first "Erie" skillet. A second series No. 8 in good shape with a Red Mountain lid for $15. Needless to say I am very happy with my purchase. I was checking out eBay and found this recent sale for an identical pan, same makers mark and condition...
  8. B

    An "Erie" old mysterious kettle...

    Hello friends. I found this odd gate marked cast aluminum kettle today at the flea market for $3. I have scoured the web but can't seem to find so much as a picture of anything quite like it. Only marking is the ERIE on the lid. Inside has about 1/4" of lime scaling it it, at first I thought...
  9. D

    Erie 2nd series #9 with Badge icon

    I have the opportunity to purchase a, what I believe to be, Erie 2nd series #9 skillet with what looks like a badge graphic icon on the bottom in the 1:00 position (handle 6:00 position) for $30. I believe this to be a 2nd series through research online but am not sure if it is a good find...