First Time Using My Grandmother's Aebleskiver Pan


New member
Hello All,

I'm so pleased with the result of making my first aebleskiver in my newly refurbished grandmother's pan. (Many thanks to whoever wrote the refurbishing instructions on this site.) A few things to mention:

1. I used a recipe from a website written by a guy from Denmark. It uses a sourdough starter and the aebleskiver were delicious. But not only was it a wonderful recipe, he had a video that showed exactly what to do to make them. Absolutely perfect directions, and if you're a first time aebleskiver maker, I strongly suggest you watch his video, even if you don't use his recipe*.

2. This might be the most exciting thing, though - it turns out my grandmother's pan (a Griswold 962) is warped. On one side, the fire ring rises at least 3/8 above the cooking surface. To make matters potentially worse, I cook on a glass top stove. But here's the exciting part - it didn't seem to matter at all. I did see a slight difference when I coated each cup with butter. The butter in one of the cups sizzled slightly less vigorously, but if I wasn't looking for it, I never would have known the difference. Each aebleskive was equally cooked and consistently golden.

*If you're interested in the aebleskiver website:
Vicki, happy they turned out great. And you must be overly excited to have the opportunity to use your grandmothers pan. Keeps her with you from times past and the moments still linger in the present as yesterday and today are moving at the same time.
I have never made those, but I would love to try...I have a pan for it, but its just a China one.
I wish I could have got one of my grandmothers CI pieces. You are very lucky to have a vintage family piece. I do have her old turkey platter. I have been frying a turkey for the family gatherings for many years, and when I use her platter it does seem like a small part of her is with us.