Hello from Oklahoma🙋‍♀️

Jan A

New member
I’m excited to find this site. I’m in the process of downsizing after 4 decades at my home. I’ve already sold several pieces of our CI collection, but there’s one piece I’m not so sure I want to part with because of its mechanical ingenuity.
I haven’t been able to find any info on it, so I’m hoping someone here can enlighten me. IMG_6223.jpegIMG_6226.jpegIMG_6227.jpeg
Because there is no name on the waffle iron, it's sorta impossible to say with 100% confidence who made it.

That being said, it has characteristics of a P&B (Phillips and Buttorff, Nashville TN) waffle iron and appears to be in excellent condition. I would estimate that your waffle iron is from the mid-to-late 1800's.

It's in excellent condition. I would restore it and cook on it again. Family iron is the best, most valuable iron there is.