New (sorry) cast iron pot – damaged or normal casting imperfection?


New member
Hello all,

I hope it is okay to ask a question about a new pot, not only about collector pieces. I don't have anyone to ask really.

I have recently bought a new Lodge cast iron dutch oven. This is already my second attempt, the first one arrived here significantly damaged and was sent back. The new one has some spots that don't look right to my uneducated eye. I think some of those are just bubbles from the seasoning process and I could get rid of them with some cleaning, but there are also a few rusty spots and I'm unsure if I can easily remove them. The rusty surface is very uneven and I'm afraid I might not get into the pores with steel wool or the like. Please see the following photos:

Should I send this back and order new for a third time, or is this how a Lodge pot always comes out of the factory and I have to get on with it? And if so, how do I do?

Thank you in advance for any suggestion!
Well, Lodge quality control is certainly looser than it used to be.

I think some vinegar and a small stainless steel brush will clean up your problems.
If you bought this Dutch Oven to simply cook in, I would clean it as best you can and apply your own seasoning and use it. Even the best made cast iron will have some flaws during casting but like any other piece it will serve the purpose of which you bought it for. Cast iron will form rust over time if not used for a long period of time so make you favorite dutch oven dish and enjoy.