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Short ribs

W. Hilditch

Active member
4/2 2 lbs beef short ribs. Salt & pepper all sides.

Preheat DO with a trivet (so the ribs don't swim) in a 450° oven. No lid.

Add ribs bone side down for 20 min. then bone side up for 10 min. Without opening door turn the oven down to 325° for an hour or a little more until tender.

To cover up the beef flavor throw in an onion or whatever when you turn bone side up.

Plan B: Dry rub BBQ low & slow for 2+ hours.

Don't have a trivet for your #8 Griswold Dutch oven? Fortunately I forgot what I paid for mine. Lodge makes 8" trivets that will fit most #8's and larger. Amazon $11. I use a seasoned one in my Dutch oven and another one under any skillet larger that a #10 as a heat defuser for more even heating. Yup, it cracked, but still works.
