What purpose does a heat ring serve?


New member
Well…. We managed to buy the 3 GRISWOLD number 8’s we were looking for in record time! We are super excited to give them to our kids this Christmas. Two of them are from 1935 and one is from 1917 . The 1917 pan has a heat ring. What is/was the purpose of a heat ring?
Thanks for your help in my learning.
Heat ring, smoke ring and fire ring are all terms for the same thing. Reasons include sealing a pan to an appropriately-sized woodstove eye to keep the draft going up the flue and not into the kitchen; raising a pan bottom so as to not wobble on raised markings or a gate mark; or raising the pan bottom slightly off the heat source to promote evenness of heating. Or a combination thereof.

If the seller told you the pans were from specific years, they were making up stories, as our mothers used to call it "fibbing". About the closest we can come on most pans is a decade span of production, and not necessarily a calendar decade.