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In this issue:
Griswold wheat and corn stick pans....p.63
Griswold sad iron heaters...................p.63
Letters to the editor............................p.64
Griswold chrome finished restaurant
table service utensils.....................p.64-67

Griswold gas parlor stove...................p.68
Vol. 2 No. 3Number 9March 1990
right: Griswold corn and wheat stick pans showing the three different sizes and designs made over the years. Pans were not marked consistant with their designs so, to avoid confusion, I would like to suggest that the designs be referred to as follows: Wheat (left), cornorwheat (center), and corn (right).

Pans with the wheat design are marked Whole Wheat Stick Pan (early) or Wheat & Corn Stick Pan (later). Pans with the cornorwheat design are marked Crispy Cornorwheat Stick Pan and are the only ones to be made with sticks alternating directions or pointing in the same direction . Finally, pans with the corn design are, with one exception, marked Crispy Corn Stick Pan. The exception is the small (or tea size) pan which was made only with the corn design but marked on the back Crispy Cornorwheat Stick Pan.

left: Griswold made for many years both round and square sad iron heaters. These were placed on top of a stove and used to heat sad irons so that the irons would not cane in contact with the cook­ top which could be quite greasy or dirty. Manyof the early sad iron heat ers were marked CLASSIC. On the actual piece in the photo, lower left, you can faintly see CLASSIC under the word SQUARE. Apparently Griswold had decided to remove CLASSIC from its sad iron heaters after the earlier production. The later heater with the TM was made about 1925. The catalog cut is from catalog No55, c.1930. Note polished and not polished were available at this time.


Cast Iron Cookware News is published bi-monthly by Steve Stephens. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Subscriptions are $15 and begin with the January issue and end Dec. 31st. Regardless of when you subscribe you will receive any back issues for the year. Send subscriptions and all material to: Steve Stephens, 28 Angela Ave., San Anselmo, CA 94960 (415) 453-7790

I saw a 00 skillet that had a Griswold stove advertising inside the skillet. The outside looked like a 00 ashtray but had no match holder. Could this have been for real? Also, I have two different Victor waffle irons. One is a No9, patterns 996 and 997. The wood handles are locked together with a square-like dial pin. (I'm not sure what he means by this -ed.) The other is a No8 and both irons have pattern 395 with the base being 396. The coil handles twist over the irons and don't have the rod with an eye that passes through the center of the coil handle as most do. The irons have two little angle feet at the base of the handle to center the irons with each other or lock them together. My No6 waffle iron has the same feature. Do you have any information on them?
Glen Gary, KY

The 00 advertising skillet you saw may have been genuine. As far as I have been able to determine, all Griswold ashtrays made in Erie have the match holder. I did see one without but it looked like the match holder may have been carefully removed--I couldn't tell for sure. The 00 ashtrays without the match holder were probably all made in the Wagner foundry after both companies came under the same ownership. Many of the Griswold patterns were transferred to the Wagner plant sometime after the Griswold foundry closed in 1957. Remember that most of what Griswold cast had a fine quality to it. Always look at a suspect piece to see if it looks like the same Griswold quality and has the same type of grain, writing and pattern numbers, etc. An advertising piece may have been modified from what the normal, piece looked like. Regarding your Victor waffle irons, they were made in the early years (c. 1900?) and probably c. 1930. The early (your No9) and the late (your No8) styles were very different from each other. I do not know if Victor waffle iron production was continuous or not from the early years to the late. Sometime in the late 20's or early 30's Griswold changed the

construction of their waffle irons. The new design needed fewer patterns because both halves of the iron were now identical and could be cast from the same patterns. The coil handle with the eye bolt thru the center was continued. Later a new, heavier coil handle was used which was attached without the eye bolt by having external "threads" cast on the irons which the coils could be screwed onto. This change made a three piece handle into a one piece handle and eliminated the need to tap threads in each iron for the eye bolt to screw into. The angle feet you mention were another change along with a change in the shape of the handle where it rested on the frame, allowing for the elimination of the small tit on one side of the irons and the corresponding notches on the top edge of the frame. All these changes are evolutionary and made the waffle irons cheaper and easier to manufacture while maintaining Griswold's high standards of quality.
Ed Myers, AZ, notes that H.S.B.& Co. is Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co., a midwest hardware wholesaler operating in the early part of this century. (I do not know if they are still in business or when they started. -ed.) A man whose last name was Conover was their sales manager, Conover spelled backwards is Rev-O-Noc. Many of you may have seen Griswold waffle irons with Rev-O-Noc and H.S.B.& Co. on one iron of the waffle iron, Apparently these were made by Griswold for H.S.B. to sell through their catalog. Ed also mentioned that he has a Griswold sad iron heater (dome iron rack--see Harned p.61 bottan) marked "ERIE". It has three 7/16" u-shaped holes in each side of the base. -ed.

Catalog E-39. The following three pages are reprinted from the above catalog. A "Price List Effective July 10th 1939" came with the catalog along with a later price list (August 1st 1940) which does not pertain to catalog E-39. Both price lists show the same items and prices for the following three catalog pages. Some, but probably not all of the items shown, were also made in black iron. Some plated pieces which have had the plating stripped have shown up. These generally have the polished surfaces that only the plated pieces had. Note that the catalog shows three sizes of oval skillets. (I want to buy or trade for a No16½ OVal Skillet -ed)




Ad deadline for next issue is May 15th.
Content ©Steve Stephens 1990. Web version all rights reserved, www.castironcollector.com 2013.