gate marked

  1. D

    Gate marked Gem pan

    Recently picked up this gem pan and cleaned it up enough to see any markings. It looks like a Waterman but the description here says raised mold marks would be found under the handles on some. This one has raised marks on the top of the handles. Would anyone recognize them? Thank you in advance
  2. D

    Please Help Me ID This Pan

    I have attached photos of a pan I got out of a free box, covered in rust. The pan is 11” 5/16 across the top of the wall, cartouche on bottom is about 1” 7/8 by 1” 7/16, the top line reads “8 & 9” as far as I can tell, the bottom line is illegible from rust pitting, solid fire ring, center gate...
  3. A

    Spider ID

    Well, I am starting out on this site as I am sure many have. I recently acquired a gated spider that is unmarked, except for a raised #2 underneath the handle. The handle does not have a hole in it and is flat. The CI is relatively thin. I do not have exact measurements, but the skillet is...
  4. B

    The Gatemarked Pizza Pan

    A little show and tell for everyone. This badly corroded on the outside, roughly cast on the inside beauty performed it's first task beautifully. It's a little warped, and deeply pitted all over the bottom, side, and handle, I presume from sulfur? I love how much character it has and I'd imagine...