My wife found these three cast iron skillets a few weeks ago and brought them home for me to clean up. We're going to gift them to our 21-year-old daughter for Christmas this year. She's quite the cook while in college and is always using my cast iron when she's home from college. I'm fairly certain 2 of the 3 are Lodges but would like to confirm. The No. 8 has a 3-notch fire ring and a raised 2 located right above the 8. Using this sites information, I'm guessing this one may be from the 1940's. The No. 3 has a fire ring and is likely from the 1960's since it has the Made in USA at the 12 o'clock position. The last one I'm not quite sure if it's a Lodge. It's a No. 5 flat bottom skillet with a large X next to the 5 and a dimple on the bottom of the handle. It has a few blemishes but is a very smooth, like the others. Any help confirming if they indeed are Lodge brand and age on each of these would be appreciated. I think she's going to love cooking with each one of them.