Aluminum tea kettle

Bonnie Scott

Active member
I recently purchased a grungy Griswold safety fill tea kettle. I want to clean it up and make it super shiny but I am not finding any pictures of shiny ones. Was this tea kettle sold with a matte finish? I tried searching for vintage advertising but couldn't find a picture.
Oh fun. I want to make mine as shiny as yours DougD. Just in case I have to use it to signal for help if I ever get lost in the forest. :icon_rofl:
I came across an interesting tea kettle today. It looks like a Griswold flat bottom kettle but it is marked on the bottom W. A. M. co Los Angeles, Ca. It also looks as though the handle is made out of an antler? Any idea's on that one? I didn't buy it but I examined it for a while. The condition is pretty good.