BSR 2qt saucepan, but is the lid from Tiawan?


Active member
I just bought this for $9. It didn't have a lid and when I asked about it, he said, "I have it, but haven't cleaned it yet." He ended up throwing the lid in for a buck.

Is this a BSR lid? It looks similar, but the hole in the tab is off-center and I don't see a "2" on the bottom. It fits the pan, but it moves around slightly. Maybe a 2 will appear when I clean it, but I scraped the lid with my fingernail and there doesn't appear to be anything where I expected it to be (in the center of the bottom side).

Appears both pieces are BSR, just not from the same timeframe. Stewpan ~ 1966, lid after automation.
Well, this is the best I can do on this one. The pot turned out fine, but the lid is in bad shape. Still, it's functional, and I'll use it until I can find a better one.

BTW - The lid has a funky color to it (especially on the underside). I probably should have tested it for lead before seasoning it.



I made some french fries in it a couple of nights ago. Nice size pan for fries, since I'm only cooking for two ...



Edit: Here's a close-up of the lid to show how chewed up it is on one side.
