BSR Franklin Bean Pot?


Once again I'm running across an item attributed to BSR that doesn't fall within my limited knowledge of the BSR product line. Did BSR make a Franklin Bean Pot?

The underside of the pot has a "Made in USA" across the top and an "8" near the bottom. The underside of the lid has centered markings of "FBP" with a "D" below it, and the font doesn't look like what I'm used to seeing from BSR. See attached image.

BSR or another brand?


  • FBP.jpg
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Ah, that would make more sense. "Franklin Bean Pot" came from the item description and I was thinking the seller knew what the proper name was.

Do you know if BSR made this particular one?
Thanks. That thread tells me that BSR did make a flat bottom pot as well as a smaller Franklin bean pot. If the one I'm looking at is BSR, I'm not sure which one of the two it is. The stated dimensions of this one is 5 3/4" H x 9 3/8" W.

There are no pour spouts and the lid has no basting dimples. It also has a tab-style lid handle similar to some other post-DISA BSR lids though not exactly the same as what I've seen, in my very limited experience. Here's another pic...


  • FBP2.jpg
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