Can the Age of These Pans Be Figured Out?


New member
These two pans were my grandma's, but I have no idea their age. I'm not interested at all in their collector status (or lack thereof, most likely), but rather I'd like to have an idea of when she got them/how old they are, just for my own nostalgia. Is there any way to tell that from the markings?

She died in 1989 so obviously they wouldn't be newer than that...but some of them she may have had since her early homemaking days in the late 1930s to the 1950s. Can anyone help me figure out what decade they're from?
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The first one is a BSR Red Mountain, which was made from the 1930s to the late 1960s (though rebranded to Century in the mid 1950s). The handwritten appearance of the markings is believed to indicate it was made in the earlier part of that date range.

The second one is a Korean import. Asian imports aren't popular on this site so there's little knowledge about them, AFAIK. If I had to make a guess I'd say 1960s or (more likely) later, since that's when a flood of Asian imports led American manufacturers to starting marking their items "Made in USA" as a marketing differentiator.