Changing Electrolysis Solution


How often(pans) does one usually go before needing to change the solution in the electrolysis tank?
I have 20 gallon tank that I just got started using.
I'm no chemical expert by no means but I would think running an E-Tank 24/7 for 9 months would for sure deplete the chemical in balance to a degree that it would not be as efficient as a tank that was changed out on a much shorter schedule. I am constantly adding water to my tank when run over one 24 hour stretch. There is also all the crud that is settled in the bottom of the tank and usually a froth of stuff on the surface when used frequently.
Water and soap solution as recommended on CIC can not be that expensive and it sure makes a much cleaner job when fresh chemicals are working for you.
Not knowing ones use of the E-Tank and the condition of CI being cleaned would be a guess on when to change out your solution so try and use sound judgement and your cleaning process will work just fine.
Thank you for that information. I have added several gallons of new solution, the Arm and Hammmer Super Washing Soda and water, to the tank as the level changes from the use over the last weeks. I have my tank outside so there is some evaporation as well I believe.
If the loss is due to evaporation, you should top up with plain water. Adding more solution will result in a too strong electrolyte which can result in overheating the wiring.