Thanks again for all the feedback on this thread. Today I took a little time to go through an antique mall, where I found some way overpriced iron, and a RM 3 which was acceptably overpriced, and will hit the lye on Tues (that's been on my list for a while!). There was also a BSR chef skillet, but for $30 I figured it was a) too much and b) if they're that available that I found one at the first place I stopped, wait for a less expensive example. I THINK the one I saw today was a #9 chef skillet, but wouldn't argue about it. Should have taken pics, but I was on the phone at the time....guess that's a good reason for no distracted iron hunting

With my luck, it'll be years before I see another, at any price!
Thanks again, and especially for the tips on learning to flip!