Cleaning Advice....

I have recently accumulated several pieces that need to be cleaned before I can use them. Some pieces look like they can be used right now but just aren't really pretty while others have tons of scaly campfire buildup. None of the pieces have any noticeable rust. Most valuable is probably a Large Block 5. Should I just put them all in a Lye Bath and check in on them every day removing the pans as they become clean? Is it OK to do the lye in a shop or garage or should it be done outside? Any other advice is appreciated!

You can do a lye bath anywhere. It is best to have it in a warm/hot area and the lye bath works better in heat/sunlight. I use mine in my apartment. I have it in a plastic tub in a plastic tub to make sure if one breaks, they other will collect it. A lye bath and then electrolysis is better if you can do this and if you are cleaning multiple pieces.

An e tank can be expensive to create if you don't have some of the items currently. I just use a lye tank because I don't have a patio to place it on.

Place they items in the tank and check back whenever. The lye would damage cast iron, although it will damage cast aluminum, quickly. If cart iron is left in a lye tank for years, assuming the water and lye solution is still there, it will not damage the piece(s).

I hope this info helps.