Dutch Oven Lid

Travis B

New member
Hello, I recently bought a dutch oven marked 8 1036 B on the bottom. After some research I think it is a Griswold and the matching lid is a 1037. I was hopping that someone could confirm that for me, and is there going to be a letter after the 1037? Thank you
Yes, it is Griswold, an unmarked product from the Iron Mountain line. The lid for the 1036 would be a 1037. If there is a letter following it, it is insignificant as to being a match to the pot.
Thank you Doug. I also have another skillet I bought that I was wondering if you or any one else could help me identify. It is marked "10 1/2 in Skillet Made in USA N" also marked with an "N" on the handle as well