Electrolysis Question


Have been using lye tank to clean cast iron but just recently set up e-tank. Is the foam on top the hydrogen gas? Should I skim it off periodically while the piece is in the e-tank? How long should a piece be left in the e-tank? TIA
The foam is a byproduct of the build-up removal; leaving or removing it will neither hinder nor help the process. How long is dependent on several factors: the current flow, the concentration of electrolyte, the size and position of the anode relative to the piece, and how carbonized the build-up has become. Every piece will be somewhat different. Some pieces, the build-up will shed off like snake skin in just a few hours; others may take several hours longer. When it gets to a point that additional time isn't producing marginally better results, it's best to just stop and go to the hand tools, as some of those stubborn, residual "warts" sometimes just won't budge.

Related: https://www.castironcollector.com/cleaning.php#finish