Erie Diamond Question


New member
Are the Erie Diamond skillets on the 'lesser-seen' side of things?
I ran across one in an antique shop today, but was driven away by what was a price higher than I tend to be willing to pay.
I checked on eBay for jollies, but could only find one.
New to this website, greetings to all, and thanks in advance o7
You mean griddle, not skillet? The "diamond Erie" logo did not appear on regular skillets, AFAIK.
Ah, perhaps...
The price may have thrown my thought processes off.
I may venture back in tomorrow, and give it a second look.
New to the website, and new to CI as well, please pardon my slight but increasing knowledge base :roll:
It did turn out to be a griddle, after all.
Now that I've verified that, I'll re-ask:
Are the diamond griddles less numerous?
I re-checked on eBay, and only saw one (unless my search was poorly worded).
The BB places the TM 1884-1910. It is seen on handle griddles, long griddles, and an apple cake/egg poacher pan. That the pieces were produced that long ago and on relatively few pieces likely contribute to the scarcity today.
Many thanks.
I have a BB on order, arrives tomorrow.
I'll likely soak that up over the weekend.
I would like to acquire a Red Book as well, but they seem to be screamingly expensive.
Anyone know where one can get one for a 'normal' price?