Favorite Smiley 8 DO W/trivet


Picked up this DO last night from the same guy I went to buy the Favorite #10 skillet w/lid from. I have watched smiley DO sell on ebay in worse shape for $70-90 so when I seen the condition, and with a trivet I decided to buy it. My question is, does the trivet belong to it? He said it did, it fits nicely, but i started questioning myself and cant find any solid answer by researching.
dutch oven sits dead flat and the inside is flawless
Marked Favorite trivets have raised characters, and the same squared off lugs. I have seen this same trivet before, but cannot positively connect it to Favorite. It probably is, though. Or CHF.
Right after i posted this, I found two pictures side by side on another website, showing the one exactly like mine, next to a marked one that was identical, except it also had the fully marked favorite name, so i guess it would be an "unmarked" trivet. I get excited and sometimes dont think things through but when i seen the quality of the DO and it had the trivet, the guy was asking $120 which i thought was steep, so i offered $200 for both this and the #10 skillet w/lid. So i guess I paid $100 for this, did i overpay?
Just my opinion, but I think you did very well! I would have did the same thing, and they are both great scores. They will both make great additions to any collection, and you can use them if you choose to.Use them or lose them!