Favorite "smiley"


Is there any way to narrow down the manufacture date of a Favorite "smiley" skillet? I found it listed under "Trademarks and Logos" as being from 1916-1935. (How do we spell "anal?" haha!)
In our "informational links" there is a web link to the Piqua Public Library. which doesn't have a lot of information so to speak. I browsed around in for a bit and there are several books that were available for check-out regarding the Favorite Iron Works history. I tried to view them but it would not let me do so. My opinion is that they may not be viewable thru the web but for local check-out only. Assuming one lived in or nearby Piqua, Ohio it may be worth the trip just to see what those old documents revealed about Favorite.
That brings me to another thought that in cities where a lot of foundry's were established it could be that the local library's have documentation for those business's that's not available on the web.
Just a thought...

I should have copied the link but forgot so here is the link for the library.,0,
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Comment: I found info. on the Wheeling Foundry and Sweeney's in digitized files put online by the Ohio Historical Society. They were newspaper articles if I remember correctly. I wonder if there would also be info. on the various Ohio foundries?
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, I live about as far west as you can go without getting your feet wet--the Seattle area! If ever I wander through Piqua, I'll stop at the library. :-D