First post ...and a find


New member
Hi everyone. Long time lurker here, first time posted. I visited my mom in South Ga recently and found these relics rusting away.......
I can see I have a small Lodge 3, but have no idea on the others. I think one is a spider.
The other deep one without legs has an "8" on it. No other markings that I can see.
No markings on the ladles either.

I'm thinking of taking them to be sandblasted. Is that ok?

Thanks in advance
BSR on the chicken fryer; the other unmarked are not going to be identifiable. Sandblasting is a big no-no on collectible CI. You are, of course, able to do as you see fit, but it's not recommended.
...after reading a bit more it looks like I need to build an etank.

Welcome to the Forum! Building an etank is EASY...don't over-think it and make it harder than it really is.

That BSR chicken fryer is a nice score. Looks to me like a possible Red Mountain (pre-1950s Century Series; I'm new here and still learning).
