Thanks to all here that helped me get this nice little pan cleaned up and seasoned. I've been cooking in it almost daily, roux for a gumbo, pancakes, pan toast, grilled cheese sammies, and plan to sear a couple of NY steaks in it tonite.
Here is my take on French toast. I love a fresh baguette, but, my wife and I can't eat a whole baguette and they don't have have a long shelf life. When the leftover baguette is 1 or 2 days old cut it into 5/8" slices and dip it in an egg wash:
1 egg
1C whole milk
2T melted unsalted butter
2T sugar
2t vanilla extract
1/4t cinnamon
1/4t salt (delete if using salted butter)
1/2C all purpose flour
Whisk all these ingredients well, soak the break medallions for 30 sec to a minute and cook in cast iron. You can throw a pad of butter in the pan if you want.