My daughter bought this for me at an auction last month. It was so covered in crud that she thought it was cast iron. When she gave it to me and I realized it was aluminum, I decided to research the best way to restore it. I found Doug's restoration pics and methods on this site and decided to give it a try. It was pretty labor intensive. Brought it to a simmer in a big pot and then used wooden dowel rods and skewers to "rub" the crud away. Repeated this process several times removing probably 95% of the crud. At this point, I deviated from Doug's method. I used a fine bead blaster that removed the remaining debris without doing any damage to the aluminum. It left the entire surface with the same "rough" texture that was originally on the inset ring. I then used a Dremmel tool with a buffing wheel and aluminum polish to restore the polished shine to the outer ring. The base is cast iron and I cleaned it in my e-tank and seasoned it. I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.:-D