Griswold Dutch Oven No. 12

Norm K.

New member
I may be able to purchase a GRISWOLD No. 12 DUTCH OVEN 2634 for $120, with no cover. I can’t find this one in the Blue Book. Does anyone know the value and years produced?

Also, is there a cover for this dutch oven, and if so, what is the number and what would the value of the cover be?
Being marked as a dutch oven would imply that a cover would have been supplied with it. BB pg. 321 lists p/n 2636 as the cover. Approximate year of manufacture would depend on the style of the markings, as the pattern numbers often persisted through pattern revisions. Finding a stray cover for yours will likely not be all that easy, and not cheap if you find one on eBay.
Hi Norm,

Actually saw a cover for a #12 Griswold dutch oven go for $225 at a local auction a few months back. I have never seen a complete #12 in person. I agree that it would be difficult to complete the set.
I found the pattern numbers (2634 and 2636) in the back of the BB. Does anyone know of another cast iron publication that actually shows that particular Griswold DO and cover, along with the value? Thanks.
Was finally able to complete my Griswold #12 Dutch Oven...Base, Lid, and Trivit with no cracks, warping, and very minimal pitting inside. I'll post pictures as soon as I can.

Does anybody know what the approximate value of this set might be?