Griswold Heart and Star Waffle Iron


I found a VERY nice low base heart and stars waffle iron, and #8 Griswold waffle iron with no base...I have a low base for a #8 Griswold waffle iron. My question is...I can get both for $175. Is it worth pulling the trigger?
There are multiple variations of the H&S waffle irons, some valued more highly than others. BB places the least value one-- if in excellent condition-- at $175.
I want to say it was a pn 921&922...that's just from memory. So getting that and completing another Griswold waffle iron might be worth it?
I doubt that any excellent condition H&S sets are going for below book value on eBay these days. Not having either of your items in hand or photos to assess, I can only refer you to those valuation resources.
The waffle iron is in a little shop out in the country. I asked him if he would take $175 for the heart and stars waffle iron and the #8 Griswold iron with no base (I happen to have a spare base)...I told him I would stop back in tomorrow and he's holding them for me. I think I would regret not grabbing essentially two waffle irons at $175...