Griswold Waffle


I just purchased a Griswold waffle this morning off eBay that had a bit of interesting past. It is an advertising piece for HSB & Co. out of Chicago which was a hardware agent around the turn of the century. One of their trade names was "REV-O-NOC" which is on the front of the Griswold waffle iron. I had been watching it for several days and after doing a little research decided to bid it. I find it most interesting how some of the cast iron ended up with such advertising and just wanted to share this info with others that may be wondering the same. I'm including the link to HSB & Co which has the history of that company for anyone's pleasure.
Interesting read. Thanks.

I have seen no named DO and skillets cast with some hardware store names before. I wonder how many were considered a "run" and cost for the store.