Heart Star Waffle


I am bidding on a Griswold waffle that I am not sure of the correct part number listed.
This is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/252135298819?_trksid=p2060353.m2763.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
The BB , P 92, shows the paddles as 920 & 922 and notes that it should have the large center star. The BB, P 93 shows a 932 & 933 paddles and says it should have a small center star.
The sellers item shows a 920 & 919 paddles but it has a small center star. Were there variations of the heart star patterns that had no number 18 or 19 on the paddles but had a small center star?
Thanks for any replies.
Re: Heart Star Waffel

These may be legit, but I'm not comfortable without the #18 and the small star with a 1920 patent date. My 928 N's with the same date have the large star. These may have been a victim of a change over period, but I would pass.

On page 318 of the blue book I see that 919 is a size 8 and 920 is a size 9. Are they from two separate waffle irons?

---------- Post added at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

I don't see a photo of them married together. I wonder if they are the same size?
On page 318 of the blue book I see that 919 is a size 8 and 920 is a size 9. Are they from two separate waffle irons?

---------- Post added at 01:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

I don't see a photo of them married together. I wonder if they are the same size?

Pretty sure the pattern number 920 on page 318 is incorrect and should read size 8 and not size 9. They got it right on page 92. What confused me and still does is the sellers paddles are marked 919 & 920 which should be for Griswold's size No. 18 yet it has the small star like the size No. 19 as shown on page 93. I'll probably back off this one since I am not smart enough to know if his listing shown is the real deal since it has "no" size numbers (18 or 19) on the paddles.
There are apparently enough variations of Griswold H-S waffle irons to write an entire book. That the information in the BB is confused is therefore not surprising. I would not be suspicious of this one not being genuine. If it is undamaged, and you like it and the price... No base and $37 "economy" shipping are what would make me pass.
I think if they took a $25 best offer it would be a fair deal. In my opinion they are already making $17 with the inflated shipping cost. Every now and then a seller accepts my lowball offers.
That's exactly what I did.....$25...I contacted the seller earlier asking why so high on shipping and her reply was that she pays her son to box up her items and take them to the post office/UPS/FedX....or however she sends them so you see now why so many items simply die on the auction sites regarding shipping cost. I always set my limits and when they are exceeded I simply bail out.
Thanks again everyone.....
That's exactly what I did.....$25...I contacted the seller earlier asking why so high on shipping and her reply was that she pays her son to box up her items and take them to the post office/UPS/FedX....or however she sends them so you see now why so many items simply die on the auction sites regarding shipping cost. I always set my limits and when they are exceeded I simply bail out.
Thanks again everyone.....
Correction: YOU pay her son, apparently. :grin:
That's exactly what I did.....$25...I contacted the seller earlier asking why so high on shipping and her reply was that she pays her son to box up her items and take them to the post office/UPS/FedX....or however she sends them so you see now why so many items simply die on the auction sites regarding shipping cost. I always set my limits and when they are exceeded I simply bail out.
Thanks again everyone.....

Almost positive thats against eBay policy. They cracked down on shipping price gauging years ago. Everything used to be $.99 with jacked up shipping costs.