A friend purchased what she thought was an unmarked 8" skillet at a yard sale for $15 and brought it over for me to restore it. After an electrolysis bath I discovered it does have markings, but I am having trouble positively identifying it. It has a large number 5 with letters H9AV LT and maybe a C above the #5. It has a 3-notch heat ring and near the handle is the letter S with a small dimple below it. On the bottom of the handle is the number 2. My initial assumption is that it's a Lodge skillet as I've seen others posted online with the three-notch heat ring, number 5, and letter S with dimple. The other letters are somewhat confusing. I have attached pre-seasoning pics (after e-bath) since it's easier to see the numbering and lettering along with post seasoning pics. It turned out great and has no wobble at all. I think she is going to be very pleased and ready to cook with it.