How to store CI I don't use often

Kyle S.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips on how to store cast iron that I don't use often. I have a #9 three notch lodge that I don't use daily but don't want to store long term. I also have a wedge corn bread pan my wife only uses on occasion. I currently keep my #8 Wagner on the stove top and after each use I put a really thin layer of safflower oil on it to keep it ready. I don't want to put so much oil on the ones I store. Any suggestions?
Some of my occasional users are on the wall, floor, some in a display rack and some in the cupboard. I do not oil after washing anything. I do put a piece of leather between the top and the vessels that sit with the top on so they can breath.

The house stays temperature controlled with humidity at 25 to 55% year round. Never had a problem with rancid seasoning or mold even if only used once a year.

Wow. Great pic and great set up. It looks like you made it yourself. Glad to hear that you don't need to constantly apply oil. I have held off on using some pieces I have restored because I didn't want to baby them like I do my daily users. I will just use it, wipe it out and put it away. Thanks for the help and the pic.
If I use it less than once a week, I keep it in the basement on a set of wood shelves or else a stack of milk crates. It's only a few feet from a dehumidifier so there's no moisture issue. Stacked skillets/griddles get chunks of old t-shirts between them. I also don't oil after using. I clean after cooking with warm water and if needed, I use a nylon brush. I dry with old dish towels set aside specifically for CI. Some pieces sit in the basement without any use for months on end. There's never been a problem with rancidity or rust.