ID Help - Chrome Skillet


New member
Picked this guy up for cheap recently, no idea on the manufacturer. After a quick cleaning there appears to be a gate mark on the bottom (?). Has outer heat ring and only mark is the 8, which is oddly shaped with a slant between the upper & lower half like an ampersand instead of straight across. No pictures of the top side, but cooking surface is bare iron.

Any help? Thanks much!

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It's something someone unknown made using a 1st series Erie skillet for a pattern. Unusual that they then also plated it. Recasts, as they are known, aren't usually that ambitious.
This may sound crazy but I swear I saw that pan in one of my local spots a few weeks ago. You are not in New Mexico are you?
Small world, I did get that in Albuquerque. Not from there (WI) but was visiting family over holidays and had some time to poke around at a few places.
That is crazy!!!!! Glad you got it. i passed on it a few times and was shocked it was gone we I swung by. Enjoy and next time you come write me, I can show you better places.
That is crazy!!!!! Glad you got it. i passed on it a few times and was shocked it was gone we I swung by. Enjoy and next time you come write me, I can show you better places.

It was cheap and looked interesting, quite happy with how it turned out. Thanks for the offer - I'll be sure to drop a line next time and if you ever find yourself up my way let me know as well and I'll do the same for you.