ID help on #11 - 950 NES gem pan


Active member
Hey guys, I'm at a store and saw this NES gem pan. Is it a Griswold #11 NES? The ones I've seen before had "NES" written down the middle on the front side. I see the section on gen pans says there are 11 variations. Is this one of them?

They have it priced at $45 but that booth is doing 20% off. So, is it worth $36?

The Haussler book calls it a variation 7, rarity 1. $36 would be an OK price, but I think I'd rather have a variation that actually says Griswold on it.
I passed on it. Maybe I'll get it next time if the price stays around there.

Steven, I found a few recipes that call for that pan, too. So I've been wanting to get one.