Idea for a sacrificial anode


I'm just getting started on electrolysis, and it rocks. Anyway here is my plan. Recently a friend gave me a stack of rusty junkers, made in China and the like. Instead of scrapping them, how about using one or even two as anodes, handing the piece to be cleaned between them? As I understand the process, would that not hasten the cleaning considerably?
As anodes, those iron pieces might have a longer useful life, being relatively thicker than sheet metal. You'd still have to scrape/sand/grind them down to bare metal occasionally to keep good current flow.
I think I may try that. I just built my first tank. A friend of mine owns a Lawn & Garden shop, he gave me all the used lawn mower blades I wanted. A few welds and a few bolts to connect them and they have worked out pretty well. Can't beat the price.
I was rooting through my shed and found a couple of what look like chromed pieces to go on truck mud flaps. I hooked one on and it's working awesomely, the process also seems to be attacking it much less.