I'm getting better at resisting temptation ...


Active member
I saw this Griswold Skillet Griddle 108 while killing time during lunch. They wanted $25 for it. I passed due to the pitting. If it had been perfect I would have pulled the trigger, but I already have three or four griddles. None of them are Griswold, though.


That could be a nice one? I'm hunting for a 109 or 110. I've got a large unmarked Wagner without the pour spouts mid 1960's. It will make do till then. So far I'm just starting to break it in and I like the way it cooks so far.

I uploaded more pictures so y'all could see the full extent of my temptation. The additional pictures are from a different shop I stopped in after I I posted the first two. I got all excited when I was walking up on a whole section of cast iron ... I saw a deep fish fryer!! But imagine my horror when I saw the crazy welding job that was on it. (And the guy was still asking $45 for it! Haha!)

Lots of pancake makers but they were all priced in the $75-85 dollar range.
I really wanted the Bacon and Egg Breakfast Skillet, but it was $33 and it has a weird color to it. I couldn't decide if it was plated and the plating came off, or if it was bare iron peeking through.

I couldn't totally resist at the second place and bought a BSR (Red Mountain series?) with a "5H." at six o'clock for $10.
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Nice pickup...

I'm certainly far from the expert here on this forum, but I have done research on BSR, if nothing else...

Assuming we're talking a skillet here - the "H" is the pattern ID / mold marker. They put those on there so they could more easily identify which pattern was wearing out when they started finding defects in the pans.

Red Mountain and Century Series, prior to DISA automation conversion starting in 1966, are practically indistinguishable as they used the same patterns, merely rebranded the labels. The name change happened in 1957.

More info on BSR here: