Is my 8" dutch oven a FAKE?


New member
Hi All,
I am new to the pursuit of used cast iron. I bought two oven the other day and reconditioned both of them. The first one I believe to be an unmarked 10" Lodge DO from the 1960's. The second one I think may be a earlier version, unmarked Lodge, in an 8". The reason I am suspicious is that it is in remarkable condition for a 60 year old oven, and the bale lands opposite the tab, instead of on the tab as my 10" oven does. Please review the photos here and send me any thoughts?
Thank you for your help.
That in the photos linked to is a Lodge #8 (not 8") dutch oven, ca. late 1950s - early 1960s.
1960 is used as a general demarcation for the marking, but it wasn't necessarily required that an item physically have Made In USA on it; a label or carton could suffice. Although not for certain, Lodge skillets so-marked are thought to be from 1965 onward; BSR didn't appear to cast theirs with it until more like 1967.