This is one of two Lodge Dutch ovens I bought new sometime in the 90's I think. The lid is a modern one, I do have the original, it is on another pot or skillet somewhere in my collection. In our house "If It Fits It Sits" is the rule. The outside temperature is in the 90's today and the air conditioner is getting a workout, so we are cooking out on the porch to keep the heat out of the house. Unfortunately my "better half" doesn't like any type of seafood, so I have to leave the shrimp out of the Jambalaya.
The stove is a Coleman 413H suitcase stove, one of their bigger stoves, it fits the pot very comfortably and could easily handle another at the same time. This was a $10 thrift store find. It was a royal mess when I got it and even after a lot of cleanup it still looks rough, but runs great. Coleman and cast iron is an unbeatable combination.