Kling and Co, Gallipolis, O. Cast Iron Lid


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Cast Iron Lid. Kling and Co. Gallipolis, O. I am local to the area and have done some research on the company. I have only found Kling, Muenz and Co. I do know that the Kling family had a foundry type business in 1876. Any help would be appreciated.


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Kling, Shober & Co., Second Street, below the Public Square, are the proprietors of Eagle Foundry and Machine Shop. This is an enterprising firm, that Gallipolis and surrounding country would find hard to dispense with. They manufacture and deal in Plows, Points, Cane Mills, Stoves, Hollow-ware, Brass and Iron Fittings, Gas Pipe, &c. They are now making Plow Points, which prove to be superior to Pittsburg points. This speaks highly for our city, and this Foundry. Their Cook Stoves are unusually heavy, made of the best of metal, and smooth and nicely finished as those of any other establishment. By buying your stove and other articles of them, you are relieved of all trouble and delay in procuring repairs, besides getting in all probability a better article. These are the kind of establishments that help along a town, by employing labor, and the country, by making a market for their products; and they deserve the patronage of the people, and we like to see them get it.