My first restoration

Vance McAlister

New member
This is a fairly new Lodge 8SK, but it was pretty rough. This was my first attempt at stripping, cleaning and then seasoning cast iron and, for a newbie, I am fairly happy with how it came out. I used Easy Off overnight (two nights ago), then a vinegar bath, some elbow grease, then two rounds of seasoning with Crisco. I am doing a third round (maybe the last) right now. The handle didn't come out as good as I would like, but I can live with that. I am thinking this will be my go-to utensil in the kitchen for a while!


Great job! It looks brand new!

Thanks, I followed the instructions given on this site fairly closely! Luckily, there didn't seem to be any real damage, just neglected and rusty. As you all well know, it will be much more satisfying cooking with a piece that I worked on than one bought ready-made!
This is a fairly new Lodge 8SK, but it was pretty rough. This was my first attempt at stripping, cleaning and then seasoning cast iron and, for a newbie, I am fairly happy with how it came out. I used Easy Off overnight (two nights ago), then a vinegar bath, some elbow grease, then two rounds of seasoning with Crisco. I am doing a third round (maybe the last) right now. The handle didn't come out as good as I would like, but I can live with that. I am thinking this will be my go-to utensil in the kitchen for a while!



Looks nice man keep up the good work.
For a first attempt that is great. For a 20th attempt, that is great. My first attempt turned into my third attempt. Congratulations.