Need help with ID


Bought a couple of well made items a few weeks back and got them cleaned up. Neither has a name, trademark or country of origin. The DO has a very smooth "as cast" cooking surface but definitely was not ground smooth. Inside the lid at the 9:00 position, there is ":3" and a star in the center. It has a 9 7/8" outside diameter and is fairly light for its size. There is a "3" on the bottom of the assist tab. The trivet is also unmarked.

The chef skillet has a machined flat bottom and the cooking surface was ground smooth up to within 3/8" of the lip of the skillet. There is what appears to be a "1" on the bottom of the handle. Its a little heavy for a 9" skillet but it cooks really well.

Any help identifying them would be appreciated.
Jack...I'm thinking the DO may be related to Wagner. I have a couple of the NATIONAL skillets that have the same type star but I do not know if they made DO's. The 3 looks like an 8 to me but I am getting older and the eyes aren't as sharp as they once were. A #8 would be the standard size for most DO's.

As for the chef's skillet....Just a guess simply because I don't know. The Griswold and Wagner chef skillets have pour spouts according to the books I have so I'm thinking Asian made. Appears to be of good quality which may be Japanese or Korean. There again...just a guess.

For future reference, keep us posted if you come up with something.
Based on the OD of the DO I think it is 3 L (3.2 qts) and the star is right off the Chinese flag.


BTW: The trivet is like a Griswold trivet with the squared off tabs, but is marked Griswold. Easy to copy.
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MD & Hilditch,

Thanks guys

I agree that the DO has some Wagner characteristics but I'm not convinced that it's one of theirs. I didn't know about the National lids having the star, thanks. BTW Michael, If you are looking at the pictures on a computer, not your phone, just click on them to enlarge. At nine o'clock there is a colon (:) and the number 3. The 3 on the lid is the same font as the 3 on the bottom of the assist tab, but the 3 on the tab is much smaller.

I too think the chef skillet is a high quality import. I don't understand why they didn't grind the cooking surface all the way to the up to the lip. I've thought about taking it to a machine shop to finish that job but I'm not sure I want to put any more $$ into it. At the moment it has a spot with my other daily users. I guess if it stays there I'll have that last little bit taken care of.

I haven't been finding anything very interesting but if I do I will post it here.
