New American waffle info??

Mike F

Hi - I recently picked up a New American waffle iron. I did try to do some research via google but was not able to find much information on this piece.

Does anyone know what the manufacturing date range is for these? Also, I noticed that one side of the iron is marked "C and the other "G". Is it normal to have separate letters for different sides? Also, the base is marked 975. I don't remember any other letters on the base. Its possible that the base is letterered but the piece is currently bathing in my lye bath (I'll check when I pull it).

I bought this iron for a reasonable price and am planning for it to be a user, so I care more about it functioning vs. it being a 100% accurate representation but I would be interested to know.

Any info. would be much appreciated.
They looks like a good matched set to me. I'd say 100% real. The next change in patent dates was 1908 so that is circa 1904 and the handles look like the correct length. The irons are different from each other so that the single rest pin will match when used face to face. Thus different numbers and different letters.
