New to CI...when to buy Griswold..?


New member
As I scour over forums, eBay, and my "local" selection.....There's a huge difference on online prices vs. Local finds. I'm new to the bug and am discovering where my balance is between user collecter etc.
So to get to it, I know of two Gris skillets that I saw in antique stores but didn't purchase...I've since gotten the Blue Book and that helps get a grip on value .
So are these good prices for the following skillets.

#7 LBL w/heat ring under $35
#8 LBL Slant w/ heat ring $35

As a guy with no Griswold, fool for passing on these prices....?
#7 LBL w/heat ring under $35
#8 LBL Slant w/ heat ring $35

As a guy with no Griswold, fool for passing on these prices....?

As with anything, Condition, Condition, Condition... As seen on ebay, even in rough condition you could probably flip those and double your money. If they were in good, flat, usable condition with no problems, in my neck of the woods that would be a great price.
If I was able to discern that neither was damaged, I would have tried to get both for $60 (cash), and probably even gone the $70 if not.
Thanks Rick and Doug, these pieces were at two different places but I think I'll head out there on Super Cast Sunday and see if they're still there. Great Hunting!