Newb question don't laugh

John N

Hello everyone, I have been looking far and wide for a 12 inch skillet by Wagner or griswold to cook in. A friend of mine gave me an 11 3/4 Wagner today. Loaded with joy, I got her home and cleaned and set it on the table and noticed it didn't sit flat. Sure enough the center ( about a 4 inch radius) is bowed out just slightly.

Will this skillet heat evenly? Is there a way to maybe heat it and tap the center flat? Don't really know. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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If the bottom of any cast iron vessel is larger than the burner you will have difficultly maintaining even heat. The smaller the burner, the larger the vessel and the lighter the cast iron the more difficultly. No, the warpage can not be repaired. Warpage does not effect conductivity.

John, if it is just slightly bowed, don't worry about it. It will be fine on the large eye of your stove. You may experience some pooling of the grease in some things you cook, but it shouldn't be a problem.

I don't think trying to even it out is a good idea.
No fixing warpage unless you melt it down and cast a new pan. Pre-heating large skillets in the oven before putting them on a burner is a good idea.
You may find that the bow lessens as you heat it or it may get a little worse. I use a #10 Wagner that when cold has no bow at all, but when heated has a slight upward bow.
We used a somewhat warped Wagner 8 for a few years without issue. Never noticed uneven heating. I acquired a few more pans, gave that one away and replaced it with a "flat as a pancake" Griswold large block logo. I say go ahead and keep using it until you build your collection, then send it down the road to the next person.