nickel plated wagner

I'm cleaning a 1053F, appears to be nickel plated. My question is, when I put this in the electrolysis tank, will the nickel plating come off? Do I season in the normal fashion?
A low amperage electro treatment shouldn't harm intact plating or a piece where some plating has been worn off by usage. The problem may come in if there are damaged areas where rust has already crept under the plating. I would probably err on the side of caution and go with a lye bath followed by 50/50 vinegar and steel wool if necessary.

The whole idea of plated pieces was to not have to rustproof them. Cooking in them was akin to using stainless steel. If there are worn areas, down to bare iron, you should apply at least a minimal seasoning to them to prevent rust.
Thank you for the reply. It has the oven cleaner on it now, I'll have to see if there are some rust pitting under the nickel.