I received a hand-me-down Vienna roll pan that in many ways resembles a Griswold No. 4 Erie bread pan, but there are some discrepancies: the divisions between the individual loaves are solid, not slotted, and there are pierced tabs at either end of the pan. Also, the casting is not as fine as one would expect from Griswold. It does, however, have the No 4 marking, as well as the little "feet" on the bottom of the first and forth loaves. I don't believe the pan was made very recently, as evidenced by the heavy layers of built up crud--someone definitely cooked with it a lot--but I doubt it's authenticity. So my question is, does anyone know the extent to which this piece has been counterfeited or reproduced? And if it isn't a deliberate counterfeit, did other contemporary manufacturers cast a similar piece?