Not What I Went For, but I'll Take 'em!


New member
Recently went to an estate sale of sorts. The woman's late father was a pipe fitter, welder, and had packed the garage full of tools, and she wanted them GONE. It was like an episode of hoarders: you name it, he had it, and the price was right! Even came across a few critters in the stacks...

There were a few pieces of CI tucked away between everything, and I set them aside intent on making an offer as we had only negotiated a lump sum for all the tools. She had absolutely no interest in keeping them and simply said TAKE 'EM ALL! Don't have to tell me twice if it's free...! :-D

I've only tackled the BSR no. 12 but they should all clean up well.

The Wagner looks to have gotten a little hot at some point. The heat ring sits flat, but the pan warped upward, causing a high spot in the center...

Does anyone know more about the gem pan? I know they're hard to identify if unmarked, and were copied a lot...