I had two of these for a while and just stumbled on the third one this week. The new one is variation 5 of the new england style french roll pan.
Variation 5 is considered to be an 'ooopsie' on the part of the pattern maker and griswold quality control. It's marked with the number 950 on the back and the markings on the little separator tabs on the top read: N E S oN 11
it was intended to be 'No' 11... but I suppose when you are carving the reverse into a pattern its easy to get confused.
(sorry if you hurt your neck trying to twist your head around to read each one... the pics didn't get turned the right way in imgur and I was too lazy to go back in and rotate them again.)
The other two, one is obviously marked (I like the griswold on the handle on top.. that's kind of unusual) and not the 'new england style'... the other I'm not sure of... completely unmarked, but there is one in the yellow book identified as griswold, that is completely unmarked... it has all the characteristics of being a griswold... but it is a slightly different size from the marked one (now that I have them side by side)... the unmarked one is slightly bigger... and the cup sizes are deeper than the marked one.
Variation 5 is considered to be an 'ooopsie' on the part of the pattern maker and griswold quality control. It's marked with the number 950 on the back and the markings on the little separator tabs on the top read: N E S oN 11
it was intended to be 'No' 11... but I suppose when you are carving the reverse into a pattern its easy to get confused.
(sorry if you hurt your neck trying to twist your head around to read each one... the pics didn't get turned the right way in imgur and I was too lazy to go back in and rotate them again.)
The other two, one is obviously marked (I like the griswold on the handle on top.. that's kind of unusual) and not the 'new england style'... the other I'm not sure of... completely unmarked, but there is one in the yellow book identified as griswold, that is completely unmarked... it has all the characteristics of being a griswold... but it is a slightly different size from the marked one (now that I have them side by side)... the unmarked one is slightly bigger... and the cup sizes are deeper than the marked one.