Old Lodge Maybe?

John N

Greetings to all, I just got this pan all cleaned up after getting it real cheap. The inside was caked with rust and the outside had an 1/8 inch of black crud all over it. Now that its cleaned up all i can see is the raised 7 on the handle. There are no other markings on this skillet. Any thoughts???


Interesting that there is no molder's mark. The handle seems a little different than other raised number Lodges I've seen. I believe Doug would call it a Southern Mystery Skillet?
Thanks for the replies guys! Spurgeonh, I've never heard of a southern mystery skillet. I'm still a newb here. What in the world is a southern mystery skillet?
Looks like Lodge to me. SMS is a pan with inset heat ring, small pour spouts, raised size number and molder's mark, and a handle reinforcement pad.
What era do you think it's from Doug? From what can can gather off the site is around 1900-1910? But shooting in the dark at that. The skillet is lighter than my other ones that size and it has an extremely smooth texture to it.