Older Lodge W.I.


I had mentioned in an earlier thread about a old waffle Iron I purchased from a local shop that was asking $20 and I offered $10 and got it. It's been in the lye tank for just about 2 weeks and yesterday I cleaned it up and did the initial seasoning. I am 100% sure the low base is Lodge because of the raised 8 on the base where the handles are racked. I'm about 99% sure the paddles are also Lodge even though they are not labeled Lodge. In the RB on page 234the lodge WI is labeled and of course the handles are unison with the paddles, but it does mention there were wire handles. It also shows the long pin that connects the two halves which there again resemble the RB picture. I believe these were made between the 20's to the 40"s and it's most likely my WI falls into the late 30's.
Anyway...All pieces fit perfect in the base and it looks like new after the cleaning.
That is a great restoration. I have some that you can use to keep your skills sharp if you want to practice.
