Ornate Handle

Ken Knight

New member
Noticed an unmarked #9 skillet with this ornate handle at a local store and was wondering if any recall which company made it ? Thanks.

Is it by any chance 'gate marked' on the bottom... I've seen some with a similar handle that were... and if so, then I'm not sure you'll get a positive id... it's old though... and some people collect the stuff with unusual handles.
Ken, it's hard sometimes to ID an unmarked piece based on just one characteristic; full pictures top and bottom are a great help.

I'm thinking perhaps Highland Foundry of Boston, late 1800s. Compare the pan to the ones shown on the site "earlyskillets.blogspot.com" and see if you've got a match.
Ken, I have several Highland Foundry pieces most are marked "HF" some with pat. dates. I have also seen this identical handle style on several other skillets one marked "eagle" and a few other with faint foundry ids. My thinking over the years is that this handle style was widely adopted at least in the Northeast region.
Thanks M_Osborne, quite a bit of buildup on this skillet so hopefully after cleaning additional information will come to light.