Pan to ID


New member
I am a new member and I am glad to be on board. Learning the ropes right now. Would like to post a thread...a question about a pan I found that's unmarked, except for an "8A" on the bottom and a ghost "8A" that's found slightly above and to the right.


If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated. Oh, I weighed this pan compared to the other two 8's I have...and it's very heavy (over 5 lbs), if that makes any difference. It is from the Chatsworth area near Dalton, GA. Thank you in advance.

I moved your post to a better spot. If what you have there is a skillet, initial indications of the style and placement of the markings would be Birmingham Stove & Range Co., their "Red Mountain" series, ca. 1930s-40s. If the sharp ridge on the underside of the handle does not flatten out where it meets the wall of the pan, that would also confirm BSR. Photos of the entire bottom of pans, including the handle, are best for making a positive ID.
Hello Doug D. - Thank you very much for the information! You were right about the handle keeping it's ridge all the way to the wall of the skillet. Is there any reason why there was a"ghost" 8A? I cleaned and seasoned the pan and will use it. Is there a round figure of worth - if it's in reasonable shape (the inside surface has no pitting, but there is an imperfection on top where the handle meets the pan) - just curious. Thanks again, I'm really enjoying this new hobby; and will research this Company's history so I know more about this skillets origins. Vito
BSR are found quite often in the SE US. I seem to come across more Red Mountain BSR than I do pre-1950s Lodge. Being a "no name" piece, flea market sellers are more likely to let them go cheap, in the $10-15 range for a #8 in good condition.

The non-ghost marking is more typical of BSR Red Mountain in terms of size and placement, although many are seen with numbers to the left and letters to the right of bottom center. Perhaps the foundry decided to bring an older pattern more "up to standard" by re-doing the marks.

Some history here:
Hello again Doug D. - Thx for spending your time on my questions. I'm very appreciative! On my way to add to my meager collection of five Skillets and enjoying the 'hunt'! Thanks again, Vito